• Porsche Stevens Creek

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Nov 8, 2021

Needing a repair on your vehicle is never fun. Thankfully, there are lots of benefits of getting a Porsche repair if you visit your Santa Clara Porsche dealership. Visiting a dealership will make this difficult time a little easier on you, so don’t hesitate to swing by and get your repair.

4_Benefits_of_Getting a_Porsche_Repair_at_Your_Santa_Clara_Porsche_Dealership_Porsche_Stevens_Creek

You’ll Get a Warranty

Dealerships can offer you a warranty on your repair. Most regular mechanics can’t offer you this, as they simply can’t afford it. Therefore, getting a warranty on your repair is a huge perk that only dealerships can reliably offer. A warranty ensures that you won’t have to pay out of pocket if something goes wrong after your repair. We’ll take that responsibility onto ourselves. This not only makes your life easier, but it builds trust between you and us, too.

However, it’s highly unlikely that something will go wrong after your repair. That brings us to our next benefit of visiting the dealership: our expertise.

You’ll Have Access to Porsche Experts

Dealerships like us employ factory-trained Porsche experts. Regular mechanics, on the other hand, are generalists. You want experts working on your vehicle, as you’re going to get a more thorough repair from an expert. Experts can make sure that nothing will go wrong after your repair. Our expert technicians have seen pretty much everything that can go wrong after a repair, and that makes it easier to prevent those potential issues.

It’s a Time-Saver

Mechanics are incredibly busy. They need to stretch themselves thin and take on a lot of work at once, and that slows them down. Mechanics rely on lots of work to pay the bills, but dealerships have many income sources including selling vehicles, making repairs, and taking care of peoples’ maintenance needs. Dealership technicians don’t need to keep overly busy, as dealerships can afford to pay technicians well without overbooking them.

Our technicians won’t be working on multiple vehicles at once when you need a repair. They’ll set aside time to dedicate to your vehicle, and they’ll get the repair done in a timely manner. Dealership technicians also have various parts and tools that many mechanics don’t have on hand. This cuts down on time, too. Mechanics have to order tools and parts, and they could take days or weeks to come. You’ll rarely have that issue with a dealership technician.

We Provide Incredible Customer Service

Dealerships want you to be part of the family. You’re more than just a customer to us. You’re someone that we genuinely want to help in any way that we can. We’ll answer all of the questions that you have, and we’ll talk you through any concerns that may be plaguing you. Regular mechanics may also answer questions, but they’ll rarely be as thorough and patient with you as dealership workers. They don’t have the time to dedicate to you.

Visit Porsche Stevens Creek to get your repair. We’ll also take care of your regular maintenance needs, so please feel free to ask about what we can do for you.