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Feb 16, 2024
Porsche service technician

When was the last time you got an engine flush at your Porsche dealership? A car engine flush is a service that uses special products to clean out the engine to keep its components running smoothly. Let’s look at the benefits of getting an engine flush for your Porsche.

5 Benefits of Getting a Car Engine Flush at Your Porsche Dealership

1. Removes Particles and Deposit Buildup

Over time, contaminants like metal shavings, dirt, and byproducts of combustion build up in the engine, restricting oil flow. If oil isn’t flowing properly, the engine may overheat and lose its efficiency. An engine flush removes the sludge buildup, allowing the engine to run optimally again.

It also gets rid of smaller abrasive particles that make it through the engine filter. If left in the system, these particles can damage critical engine components. An engine flush will remove these tiny contaminants to protect your Porsche.

2. Cleans Engine Parts

Heat and oil contamination can cause buildup in hard-to-reach areas of the engine. This prevents the parts from running optimally and cooling properly. During a flush, the detergents remove buildup in all engine components, even the hard-to-reach ones. This prevents premature wear and enables the parts to run optimally.

3. Improves the Effectiveness of New Oil 

Does your engine still overheat or have issues even after getting fresh oil? It may be time to get it flushed. Getting an oil change won’t remove sludge buildup around components. Instead, the contaminants will mix into the oil, causing it to lose its effectiveness.

Flushing the engine during an oil change improves the effectiveness of the new oil. With no contaminants in the system, the new oil will cool the engine better, provide lubrication, and prevent engine wear. You don’t have to flush your engine every time you get an oil change, but we can recommend the best interval for your specific Porsche.

4. Gives Your Engine a Fresh Start 

If you are dealing with overheating or poor performance even after getting an oil change and checking the components, you should get a flush. An engine flush is like a reset that gives your Porsche a fresh start on the inside. All internal components get cleaned, and lubrication pathways are cleared out. You can even get a flush after major engine repairs to remove contaminants before adding new oil.

5. Helps Oil Last Longer

Your owner’s manual prescribes the right oil change intervals for your Porsche. If you are using the right oil, but it degrades quickly, your engine needs a flush. The sludge in the system contaminates fresh oil, forcing you to get an oil service sooner. A flush cleans out all the debris, allowing fresh oil to maintain its viscosity and anti-wear properties for longer.

An engine flush is an important maintenance task for your Porsche. If you haven’t flushed the engine in a long time, contact Porsche Stevens Creek in Santa Clara, CA to schedule a service.