• Porsche Stevens Creek

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Dec 13, 2021

Rotation is the spice of life. You rotate your wardrobe; you rotate your playlists, and you should be rotating your tires. Tire rotation isn’t usually at the top of anyone’s to-do list, but it’s essential to make sure that the treads on your tires wear out evenly and at the same rate. Here are a few reasons why you should have your tires rotated regularly at your Porsche dealer in Santa Clara, CA.

5 Benefits of Giving Your Porsche a Tire Rotation

Vehicle Will Handle Better

Driving on tires with uneven tread is not conducive to smooth handling. When all of your tires are the same size and have even tread, it’s going to lead to a smoother and safer ride. And not only that, but it’s also going to save you a significant amount of money on gas over time. Keeping your tires rotated and inflated properly does wonders for your gas mileage, especially on a long road trip.

Tread Will Wear Evenly

Due to the nature of their composition, it’s natural for tires to wear down over an extended period of use. And while this is expected, you still want all four of them to wear down at the same rate. Your tires have different uses which cause some to deteriorate faster than others. For instance, tires on front-wheel drive vehicles are going to wear down quicker from constant braking and accelerating. It’s important to switch them out on a regular rotation.

Smooth and Quiet Ride

Keeping your tires rotated means a smooth and comfortable ride on the road. Uneven tires will cause you to feel unnecessary bumps and vibrations that could be avoided with regular rotation. Your vehicle is your sanctuary, and you want your drive to be as peaceful as possible. By scheduling routine rotations, you can take the worry out of the way and enjoy the commute.

Extended Tire Life

Not only can you save money from better gas mileage thanks to rotated tires, but you can also save money by prolonging the life of the rubber. Not rotating will cause uneven wear and cause some tires to be replaced before others. This can create a domino effect of constantly having uneven tread, and the only other option is to have them all replaced. As you can see, the price tag has the potential to escalate quickly.

Save Other Car Parts From Premature Deterioration

Your vehicle has a lot of moving parts, and they all work together in harmony. When one piece becomes out of sorts, it can have a negative effect on some of the other components. For instance, if your tire tread is uneven it will lead to more stress on your brakes which can cause problems with the suspension, wheels, bearings, and axles. It’s easy to avoid this imbalance and keep peace of mind with routine rotation.
A little preventative maintenance goes a long way in keeping a happy and smooth operating vehicle. Call Porsche Stevens Creek today to set up an appointment to have your tires rotated.