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May 14, 2021

5 Signs Your Car Needs a Brake RepairGetting a brake repair as soon as you notice something is wrong is vital – faulty brakes can easily cause an accident. If you have a luxury vehicle, like a Porsche, you should always take your car to a Porsche dealer to conduct the repair. A dealer will have the best parts for your car and will usually be an expert in the brand. But how do you know when you need a brake repair? Here are a few clues.

1. Your Porsche Dealer Says It’s Time

Perhaps you took your vehicle in for a regular service, wanting to be safe but thinking nothing is wrong: then your dealer says your brakes need a repair. You might find this baffling, as there were no signs that indicated an issue. You should trust your dealer here and let them do the work. It’s better to get a fix you think you don’t need than to have a bigger problem come up later.

2. Your Brake Light Indicates It

If your brake light comes on, don’t question it. Don’t assume you’ll be fine for the next few months before your regular service. Get your vehicle to a technician immediately. There are lots of things that can go wrong with your brakes and you shouldn’t let any of the issues persist for long. Make an appointment as soon as the light comes on.

3. You Smell Burning

There are lots of causes for burning smells in a vehicle, but if you brake that narrows it down to two – it could be your tires, or it’s your brakes. This usually occurs when your brakes overheat, caused by frequent, repeated braking. This often happens in traffic; you have to keep stopping as the car in front of you moves a millimeter at a time. When you think your brakes are overheating, pull over as soon as possible so they can cool down. Then take your vehicle in for an inspection, just in case the overheating caused a larger problem.

4. The Pedal Feels Wrong

If you notice you need extra force to brake, or perhaps your pedal feels spongy, it’s a sign that something is wrong. There are several reasons your brakes could feel like this, and none of those reasons are good. Don’t question it – get your car in, examined, and fixed ASAP.

5. A Jerky Wheel

If you find your steering wheel is acting strangely when you brake, that could be a sign of an uneven rotor. It most commonly vibrates, but it may feel like it’s pulling off to the side. In some cases, you’ll feel like your vehicle is wobbling. If any of these things happen to you, get your car in for a service so you can resolve the issue quickly.

Bring your car to us at Porsche Stevens Creek for high-quality repair of your brakes. Talk to us about what you need, discuss your concerns, and we’ll give you the best service possible.

Image courtesy of porsche.com