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Apr 28, 2023

Porsches are the epitome of car luxury, but that does not mean they are immune to scratches. Whether it’s from a careless shopping cart in the parking lot or an accidental key abrasion, dealing with car scratches on your luxury vehicle is never fun. However, our expert service department can restore your car to its factory finish, and your insurance may pay for it.

How to Deal With Car Scratches on Your Porsche

The simplest solution to fixing scratches is taking your car to our service department. This is how you ensure the repair process is correct and your car looks good.

However, it’s worth noting that the severity of your scratch will determine how the technicians will proceed. If it’s just a superficial scratch, the techs may be able to repair it with a paintless dent removal (PDR) technique. Deeper scratches will require sanding and a paint touch-up.

When To Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

You can do the job yourself if the scratch is small and the damage minimal. But you’ll need basic tools such as a buffing cloth, a drill, and a polishing pad. Then follow these steps:

  1. Sand the area
  2. Apply a rubbing compound 
  3. Buff and polish the area 
  4. Apply a coat of car wax 

However, it is important to note that if the scratch is too deep, attempting to repair it yourself may cause more damage. It’s best to leave the job to a professional if you’re at all unsure.

When To Call Your Insurance Company

If the damage to your Porsche is extensive and can’t be fixed by a quick DIY, you may need to contact your insurance company.

However, don’t be tempted to go the DIY route when looking to make insurance claims. Insurers usually require a professional assessment before approving a claim, and your policy may not cover DIY attempts.

Preventing Scratches on Your Porsche

The best way to deal with scratches on your Porsche is to prevent them in the first place. Cleaning and waxing your car will protect it from dirt, debris, and other elements that can cause scratches. You also want to be careful when parking or driving in tight spaces, as this increases the risk of dents and scrapes.

Drunk driving is also a major cause of scratches and should be avoided. Even if you don’t directly get involved in an accident, it puts your car at risk of being damaged by someone else’s negligence.

Overall, dealing with scratches on your Porsche can be a hassle. But engaging with our team will help you sort the problem quickly and with minimal fuss. Contact Porsche Stevens Creek today to book an appointment with one of our certified technicians. We’ll advise you on the best course of action and help you get your car looking perfect again.