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Mar 15, 2024

Owning a vehicle is an investment, and it’s important to ensure it performs well. Scheduling a Porsche service periodically will ensure it’s running correctly. However, you may wonder why you should visit your Porsche dealer for routine maintenance, and this article will help you understand.

Why Schedule a Porsche Service Regularly?


Porsches come with many safety features to protect you while driving, but those systems require maintenance periodically to stay in good condition. Technicians can easily catch and fix problems like:

  • Worn-out tires
  • Unresponsive sensors
  • Engine problems
  • Worn brake pads

Get more peace of mind with routine maintenance for your Porsche.

Better Performance

You probably bought your Porsche for the thrill and joy of having a speedy, high-performance vehicle. It’s important to keep it running like new, and routine maintenance is the only way to do that. Things like tire rotations, spark plug replacement, and oil level checks will help your car in the long run.

Higher Fuel Efficiency

Though you might not care about saving money at the gas station, fuel efficiency is an important factor. If yours seems a bit sluggish now, it might mean that the oil filter or spark plugs aren’t functioning correctly. When that happens, it can affect your engine’s performance.

Why Visit Your Porsche Dealer for Service

Preventative maintenance is essential for your Porsche, but where do you go for service? It’s wise to go to the dealership where you bought the car. Here are the reasons why:

Proper Training

Regular car shop mechanics, while trained, deal with many different types of vehicles each day. You don’t know if the one you’ve chosen is familiar with Porsches or qualified to handle them.

When you visit the dealership for routine maintenance, you know those mechanics have been trained on specific models. In most cases, the car is assigned to someone with the appropriate techniques and tools to handle the job.

Warranty Benefits

If your Porsche is still under warranty, you must take it to the dealership where you bought it. Failure to do that could void your guarantee, though that’s not always true.

Most manufacturers will discover issues about specific makes or models, as well. When that happens, the information goes directly to the dealerships selling those vehicles. If you don’t visit the dealer for service, you may never know about those problems.

Better Customer Service

It’s stressful to be without your vehicle, even if it’s only for routine maintenance. However, a dealership understands this. The people you talk to are friendly, warm, and welcoming. They’ll keep you informed of what’s happening during the process.

Purchasing a Porsche is a thrill like no other, but the real fun is driving it. Though it’s easy to do, you shouldn’t forget about routine maintenance. Schedule service at Porsche Stevens Creek in Santa Clara, CA and experience the difference our dealership makes.